e-mail me at billdeg@umich.edu


who wants another week of break?

Me, that's who.

Starting to get those tasks checked off my list, and here it is the Friday before classes resume. I'm putting finishing touches on the syllabi, which makes me eager to get into the classroom, but oh the things I could do with another wide-open week. "Stop Your Sobbing" by The Pretenders just popped up on itunes. No joke.

Exciting to see Obama take Iowa. I hadn't watched a long stretch of CNN in a long time, but I watched and listened last night after his win as he mostly went through his stump speech:
At this defining moment, we cannot wait any longer for universal health care. We cannot wait to fix our schools. We cannot wait for good jobs, and living wages, and pensions we can count on. We cannot wait to halt global warming, and we cannot wait to end this war in Iraq.
All the pundits contrasted Obama's pathos with the more reserved and platform-oriented content of Huckabee's post-caucus victory address. I was starting to doze, so I can't remember which pundit compared Obama's message--curb partisan bitterness and affect changes for common good--with what she saw as the gist of Hillary Clinton's sad, post-Iowa speech: I should be president. Spot-on observation, I thought. Speaking of H/C's appearance at the podium, boy did Bill Clinton ever look sad about the loss.

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