e-mail me at billdeg@umich.edu


couple o' quotes from the Times

From today's lunchbreak reading, two provocative quotations from NYTimes:

From Nicholas Kristof:
Mrs. Clinton has helped turn the debate around by emerging as both pro-choice and anti-abortion.

That is potentially a winning position for Democrats. Abortions fell steadily under Bill Clinton, who espoused that position, and have increased significantly during President Bush's presidency.
I've heard this factoid tossed around with some frequency. Not sure how accurate, but it's interesting and I'd like to hear the single-issue-voter contingent of the GOP (especially those who think Clinton made the country "less moral") contend with it.

From Maureen Dowd:
Wolfie's biggest qualification to run the World Bank? His prediction that Iraqi reconstruction would pay for itself with Iraqi oil revenues.

At least he's more qualified than Bono.

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