e-mail me at billdeg@umich.edu


progress on article

Thanks to my good friend Luisa and also to members of my 'Investigating Academic Literacies' class for feedback on a very rough draft of article-in-progress. This a.m., over bagels and coffee ("Puerto Rico style") Luisa gave her usual, insightful suggestions on where to go next on the piece. And, I should add, I got to read her ongoing analysis of Latina Rhetorics. My grad class on Thursday also gave the draft a read--we're workshopping papers and, since it's such a small class, I'm taking part too.

I came home this afternoon and made lots of changes based on the feedback. Nice to be practicing what I preach in the classroom. Nice to have good readers around, too.


LuisaStormchaser said...
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LuisaStormchaser said...

Bill has generously comment on my paper and I find it refreshing to get his insights. We both learn that issues of class intersect with many aspects of our identities and that these issues must be studied or teased out through analysis when their connections are not immediately obvious.

I've already begun revising my paper based on the insights that Bill shared with me.