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where have all the bad films gone?

Originally uploaded by bdegenaro.
A few months back, the New York Times asked that very question, in a piece that bemoaned the proliferation of mediocre Hollywood movies at the expense of both great and truly awful films.

Enter 'Snakes on a Plane,' which has been in production for years and hopes to see the light of day this coming summer.

Will I see this movie? Duh. Do you see that publicity still? Of course I will. Yes, that's Kenan Thompson, he of the SNL Bill Cosby imitation. Yes, he's got snakes crawling all over him. Plus, Samuel Jackson plays an FBI agent tracking down a bad guy who releases snakes...oh forget it, all you need to know is Sam Jackson's in the house. Or, I guess, on the plane.

The phrase "snakes on a plane" has already become shorthand for something that is excessively silly. As opposed to something that's just a little bit silly. Show up in tracksuit pants and loud aloha shirt and folks might remark, "That outfit's kind of snakes on a plane, friend."

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