e-mail me at billdeg@umich.edu


Hannity insanity

I wish I had an exact quotation on this, because my paraphrase surely won't capture how precious was the hypocrisy. So I'm driving home from Michigan on Friday night and WJR is re-playing that afternoon's Sean Hannity radio show. Mostly Hannity is doing a roundup of pundits who praised W's inauguration speech (best presidential address since JFK, top 5 speeches given on U.S. soil in our nation's history, greatest oratory since the Encomium of Helen, Bush has crossed the RUBE-icon, etc, etc). Funny stuff, and I was getting kind of tired of the Life Aquatic soundtrack and Jay Z discs that were in the car's player.

So then Hannity starts rehearsing his regressive rhetoric about the protesters that were at the inauguration spend-fest. They're anti-American, out of touch, blah, blah, blah. Then Hannity turns to their elitism, which has got to be my favorite trope of American political discourse. White guys in tuxedos eating caviar and ballroom dancing and leaving the ball early because the next morning they've got to send more working-class kids to early deaths--they aren't elitists. But *protestors* signify elitism. Okay. But anyway, here comes my favorite zinger from Hannity (and, like I said, I'm paraphrasing here): These liberals dare to think they're smarter than us just because of their political opinions. Boy, are they stupid. I swear he wasn't being ironic. Good laugh, but I had switched back to the Jay-Z disc by the time I got to Toledo.

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